Incoming President Deb Shangraw thanked outgoing President Bill Chadwick for a great year. She presented him with his Past President name badge and a gift from our club – a gift certificate to the Golf & Ski Warehouse.
Deb gave us a quick preview of some of her priorities for the new Rotary year. She plans to set a budget to better guide us through the year on spending and donations. She also will be preparing a “board book” that will help us have productive board meetings. She’d like to update our list of projects with more detail, something we can share with prospective members. She also mentioned working towards sending one student from My Place Teen Center to RYLA next year.
With respect to membership, she is still looking for a membership chair. She plans to survey our members to find out more about what they like, don’t like, and what members want to do. She also mentioned “shaking things up a bit” with respect to meetings. Perhaps one meeting a month in the evening. Finally, she mentioned that she’d like to add a new project for the club working with the elderly or with veterans.
A special Board Meeting will be held July 17th at 10PM at WRVC to layout budget and plans in more detail and gain board support. Plans will be presented and discussed with the full membership at our August 7 Club Assembly.
Bill Chadwick hands out food bundles