At the October Board Meeting, the Board approved a proposal to donate a children's book to a local library in the name of each speaker during the upcoming year. The Club will alternate between the Walker Library in Westbrook and the Baxter Library in Gorham.
In honor of our District Governor, Marge Barker, who signed the first books, we are donating books to both libraries this first week.
President Jason Beever (L) with District Governor Marge Barker
holding the books that will be donated to Walker and Baxter Libraries
The next day, the first books signed by Marge were donated to the Baxter Memorial Library in Gorham. Westbrook librarian Kara Reiman was on vacation. Look for the Westbrook presentation next week.
Baxter Children's Librarian Heidi Whelan (R) accepts
books from Christine Johnson (L) Club Service Chair